Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pu-Erh Tea

After much searching, we have been able to find Pu-Erh Tea. It's an ancient healing tea picked from 500 year old organic wild tea trees in Yunnan, China. Pu-Erh has more antioxidants than most green teas. Pu-Erh tea leaves are piled, dampened and turned in a unique 60-day fermentation process, resulting in a deep earthy flavor with hints of malt. Many use it as a coffee alternative.

See what Dr. Oz says about Pu-Erh tea here http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/best-teas-weight-loss-pt-1


  1. I love pu-erh tea. I sweeten it with a little honey, try it!

  2. thank you and this the best eat to lose weight
